Saturday, October 30, 2010

~inkstained paper~

Grab your paper and ink and play with us !
write, draw, scribble, stamp, snap, crackle and POP!

love, hugs and ink

Theme For the Week

The next few posts for the Serendipity Girls will have an underlying theme running through it...that theme is inkstained...stay tuned and watch our resident muse chasers explore the theme.
x Us

Friday, October 29, 2010

~ Lola's Friday Fave ~

Cons and Cameras

Favourite Things Friday - From C

There is something so pure and simple about Poetry,
creating a image from words and sounds,
utterly beautiful.
Today I sat in the sunlight, cutting up emails, and creating new words from old words.
I feel content between the lines of this Spanish Dream

- xx C

{favourite things friday}

So here I am with the first instalment of what I hope to share with you every week. Small things that make me happy. These stitch markers were made for me by my dear friend Emily, from a broken necklace of mine. I love them dearly, and they make me smile.

T xxx

Thursday, October 28, 2010




1. the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.
2. good fortune; luck: the serendipity of getting the first job she applied for.